Responsive Web Design for Mobile

Mobile first and more recently Multi-screen are hot topics for marketers these days. People – your customers and prospects – are not constrained to their computer when answering your emails, reading your blog, and researching competitive information. They bounce between their laptop or desktop computer and mobile phone throughout the day. 57% adults now own

Creating a Forty Foot Photograph

Have you ever seen a 40 foot wide sharp photograph with over ¼ billion pixels? Premier Press printed a 40 foot long high resolution photograph of the World Record Float event that took place earlier this summer, where 620 people formed the longest human floating chain ever. We displayed the banner at the Big Float

Managing Sales Collateral

A client was recently describing her job and the problems she was having managing her time. She and her team of five other sales reps generate leads by presenting seminars to 15-30 prospects almost daily. There are five different specialized presentations. For each seminar she customizes and prints out a dozen or so pages of

Print-Ready PDF/X-1A AND PDF/X-4 Files

PDF/X is a special sub-pdf standard that meets ISO standards. All details and specific information required for print production is embedded into the graphic file.  For instance, PDF/X-1A requires all fonts to be embedded and images to be designated as cmyk or spot colors. PDF/X-4 takes it a step further accepting calibrated rgb color and

Fulfillment 101

I overheard a comment from a customer the other day, something along the lines of “I need to understand this fulfillment stuff.” We can take it for granted that customers know and understand how the range of services we provide can be used in their business. What are fulfillment services? First off, here are some

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