Nike Graphic Studio Poster Show–Raising Funds for CHAPS
Feed your soul with art and support children with serious health challenges. 50+ posters created and donated by designers from the Nike Graphic Studio on display at  Disjecta, June 15, 5pm-11pm.
Meet the artists, enjoy libations, and pick up a limited print or two for an amazing cause.
Proceeds of the show to benefit C.H.A.P. Childrens’ Healing Arts Project. CHAP brings the healing power of art to children in crisis through a mobile team of teaching artists working in a partnership with hospitals, community organizations and schools.
Artists volunteer to go to children at Doernbecher, Knight Cancer Institute, OHSU Pediatric Neurosurgery and Schnitzer Diabetes Center with art supplies and classes designed to explore the world of art. Children struggling with serious health challenges are given opportunity to express themselves creatively. Art is a positive outlet of personal expression. It enables children to be known by their creative ingenuity and personality rather than by a disease or diagnosis.
Premier Press is very excited to partner with Nike Graphic Studio to produce high-quality, limited edition prints to help raise money for CHAP. Come out to view the art, mix with the artists and enjoy a libation–all to raise funds for a noteworthy cause!
Saturday, June 15th
Disjecta 7pm-11pm
Families and Kids 5pm-7pm
8371 N. Interstate Ave, PDX