The designers and developers of the Field Office understand the importance of every detail in creating a positive impact on the environment — and a positive experience for everyone who spends time in the building. One of those details is environmental graphics; they offer many practical and psychological benefits throughout the building. And that’s where Premier Press came in
The Field Office’s design team had created a brand identity that they wanted to extend into the wayfinding signage in their parking garage. They called on us to engineer the project and execute the installation.
Selecting the appropriate materials and matching the brand color across multiple surfaces was a requirement we embraced. We wrapped the walls and elevator perimeters with AlumiGraphics®, a conformable material that’s designed for uneven surfaces, and tolerant of temperature changes. Best of all, it’s environmentally friendly – made from recycled aluminum.
We also painted the concrete floors with markings for pedestrians and arrows for cars, and fabricated an overhead LED sign to direct people to the valet.
The moral of the story? There’s no such thing as a forgotten space! You can extend your corporate branding and provide a useful function at the same time. The Field Office garage project has made a big visual impact. It does its job, and does it beautifully.