Animalia Design Creates Notecards for Endangered Animals

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“Our task must be to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. – Albert Einstein

The “Why do I live here?” series of note cards are about animals struggling for survival in Oregon. Through revealing photographs and the discovery of who these animals are, you will come to know each one of them a little better.

Animalia Design was founded by two sisters passionate about animals and conservation. Gretchen is a freelance project manager and Ann is a talented designer who worked at Nike for many years. Together, they joined their talents of marketing & design, and created Animalia Design.

Premier Press is honored to have been chosen as the printer for this enlightening project.

note card retail kit

The kit includes 10 note cards and envelopes featuring local animals that are endangered. The cards contain heart-warming information about the animals, with the intention of getting people to simply care about the lives of these native animals.

“We’ve created these note cards with high hopes. We want to make a difference and make the world a better place. Once you know these animals, you start to care. And once you care, you want to save them. This is what these cards are all about. When you send them on, this message gets spread. We love this. We hope you do, too.” – Ann Mayer and Gretchen Culp

The sisters of Animalia Design are creating notecards for each state & its endangered species.

We are excited to see this project grow and spread awareness and goodness about our animals.

animalia note card

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