Powell’s Fragrance Box

Powell’s Books is an internationally known independent bookstore that brings in thousands of locals and tourists to its stores. Due to COVID-19 forcing the closure of not just Powell’s, but bookstores all over the country, there was no doubt people were missing the allure of wandering into a 68,000 square foot bookstore and meandering through the

adidas x Kerwin Frost collectible box

He’s already beloved as the “influencers’ influencer” — a talk-show podcast host, a comedian, a DJ, an entertainer, and a style icon. And now Kerwin Frost is also an adidas designer, “collaborating with them on footwear, apparel, campaigns, the whole nine.” adidas wanted to announce the partnership with something special, so they came to Premier Press.   Kerwin brought the artwork, adidas provided the inspiration, and Premier put it all

Haus Labs Stupid Love Launch Kits

Lady Gaga has been thriving and leading the way in music for over a decade, and she has been bringing that same fierceness and style to her beauty brand, Haus Labs. This time is no exception. “Stupid Love” is the lead single off Gaga’s latest album, Chromatica, and the bright and exciting music video was the inspiration for Haus Labs’ newest eyeshadow palette of the

Murad Vita-C Influencer Kit

To introduce their two new Environmental Shield™ Vita-C skincare products, Murad partnered with Premier using a twofold strategy for their influencer kits. We wanted to break through the quarantine doldrums with a fun, uplifting package design. And we wanted to reach the greatest number of influencers, with a two-tiered execution of the kit that would

Xbox x Chips Ahoy GOW

Gears of War 5 – or Gears 5 – is a third-person action and adventure video game that was released in the summer of 2019 and created for the Xbox One. To commemorate the highly anticipated sequel to the Gears of War franchise, Xbox teamed up with Chips Ahoy! and entrusted Premier Press and tripleclix to create the perfect look for the shooter video game: an ammunition box similar to the

Urban Decay Naked Honey

Urban Decay’s Naked eyeshadow palettes are one of the most popular makeup lines on the market and have been for a solid decade. There are reasons for that: variety and versatility. The palettes include eye-popping colors that give off a soft, natural look while also making sure to include more daring metallic colors that make a statement.   The newest Naked palette from Urban Decay, Naked Honey, is filled with warm and rich colors like gold,

Apeel Influencer Kit

Apeel Sciences wants to keep your fruits and vegetables fresher longer, so there’s less waste and more time to enjoy. How is this possible? By using technology that nature itself provides: the peels of the produce itself. Apeel is a plant-derived coating that is utilized by food growers, suppliers, and retailers that keeps the produce fresh. It is protection on the surface of the

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